Reduce the
NOT-ALL-EQUAL-3-SAT problem to the
These problems are defined as follows:
- NOT-ALL-EQUAL-3-SAT: given a boolean formula F in conjunctive normal
form where each clause has 3 literals, is there a truth assignment to the
variables of F such that each clause of F has at least one true literal and
one false literal?
More formally, this problem can be defined as the following set:
{F=C1∧…∧Cn∣F satisfiable with at least one true literal and one false literal per clause∧∀i∈{1,…,n}:∣Ci∣=3}
- 3-COLORABILITY: given an undirected graph G, is G 3-colorable?
In other words, is there a mapping M from the nodes of G to {1,2,3}
satisfying M(u)=M(v) for each edge {u,v} of G?
More formally, this problem can be defined as the following set:
{G=⟨V,E⟩∣∃M:V→{1,2,3} total:∀{u,v}∈E:M(u)=M(v)}
The input and output of the reduction conform to the following data types: