We have the following grammar for variable declarations:
var_declarations^: var_declaration*;
var_declaration: TYPE^ IDENT '='! expr ';'!;
expr: ordinal_expr | structure;
ordinal_expr: enumeration | range;
enumeration^: '('! id_list ')'!;
id_list: IDENT (','! IDENT)*;
range: constant '...'^ constant;
constant: NATURAL_LIT | IDENT;
structure: list | set;
list^: '['! term (','! term)* ']'!;
set^: '{'! term (','! term)* '}'!;
term: ordinal_expr | IDENT;
TYPE: 'ord' | 'list' | 'set';
IDENT: ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*;
NATURAL_LIT: ('0'..'9')+;
However, we have detected a problem: the second alternative of the
variable is never executed. This happens because
Consequently, when the parser has to parse the variable
term and has
IDENT as lookahead, it chooses the
ordinal_expr alternative
because it appears first. Fix the grammar so that it has the desired behavior,
i.e., that
IDENT can be consumed inside
term. The AST
construction must not be altered.