We have the following grammar to declare enumerations of identifiers, with the
possibility to specify a default one:
enumeration: 'enum'^ '{'! body '}'!;
body: values (','! default)?;
values: IDENT (','! IDENT)*;
default: 'default'^ IDENT;
IDENT: ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*;
However, we have detected a problem: the loop in the right-hand side of the rule
values: IDENT (',' IDENT)*;
may iterate too many times when followed by “
,”, causing undesired
parsing errors. This happens because the loop starts with the token
,”, but it can also be followed by that same token (i.e.
∈Follow(values)). The
behavior of the parser is to keep repeating the loop as long as it seems
promising to do so. Consequently, the parser will fail to detect that the loop
is over if it is followed by “
,”. Fix the grammar so that it has the
desired behavior. The AST construction must not be altered.